Colors in Art

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 Explore colors through fine art!  Spark your child’s creativity and curiosity with this delightfully curated colors book featuring some of the world’s most iconic artworks.  In this collection, explore unique palette combinations and revolutionary color choices throughout art history, from the lush greens of ancient Egyptian panels to Franz Marc’s...
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 Explore colors through fine art!

 Spark your child’s creativity and curiosity with this delightfully curated colors book featuring some of the world’s most iconic artworks.

 In this collection, explore unique palette combinations and revolutionary color choices throughout art history, from the lush greens of ancient Egyptian panels to Franz Marc’s vibrant Cows, Red, Green, Yellow to the iconic orange sky in Edvard Munch’s The Scream.

 With large, colorful text and detailed images, Colors in Art will inspire your budding art lover.

Colors in Art
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